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Large Audience Group Reading December- Santa Cruz, California

In these group events you will feel the collective energy of the group. Large audience group readings are an unparalleled experience and are great for those just starting or attending an event like this for the first time. You bear witness to live readings and the process in which it occurs while also receving guidance into life challenges or changes. These are also beneficial to those familiar with intutive and mediumship events. Where Kate reads as many people directly as possible, not every participant recieves an individual reading, however the messages that come through for others in the audience will have a positivie resonance and impact for you. You will experience and take away exactly what you need in an elevated and positive energetic connection. Plus, you quickly recognize the paralleled life expereinces you share with others in the group.

December 21

Winter Solstice Makers Market

March 27

Bend, Oregon 1:1 Private Sessions